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Monmia Leadership Program

Ray White Taylors Lakes was excited to offer a unique opportunity to the student leaders at Monmia Primary School that proved to be highly rewarding.

The student leaders, were selected to attend an executive meeting at Ray White Taylors Lakes.

Peter Travlos, the director of Ray White Taylors Lakes, led a board meeting with the student leaders to discuss the optimal use of a $500 donation made to Monmia Primary School by Ray White Taylors Lakes.

As the chair of the meeting, Peter Travlos provided the student leaders with valuable leadership experience. He demonstrated his approach to personal and professional development, led innovation and change, engaged with the wider community, and managed his successful business.

This real-life experience offered the student leaders a chance to observe and understand what leadership entails from a successful leader.

“It was with such great pleasure that last week, the four student leaders participated in a leadership program with Peter Travlos from Ray White Taylors Lakes, who is a strong advocate for our school. The students were part of a discussion in a board room and shared what it meant to be a leader and identified the necessary skills and attributes required to be a successful one. The students discussed how they could spend the very generous $500 donation that was presented by Peter for the school at the Twilight Picnic. It was heartwarming to hear students share how important it was to not be selfish and think of others when making decisions. The students unanimously decided on purchasing additional sporting equipment for students to use at recess and lunchtime so that everyone would get something. They developed a survey to ask students what equipment they would like for their classroom sport tubs and have already purchased them in such a short time. Thank you to Peter and Keely for facilitating this unique learning opportunity for our students. Thank you to Kami, Storme, Wynd and Adam for demonstrating respectful behaviours whilst representing our school. Thank you to Mrs Mitrevski for initiating this program for our school leaders.” – Lucia Vorpasso, Acting Principal at Monmia Primary School