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Easter Colouring Giveaway

We’re hosting an Easter Colouring Competition, giving your kids the chance to win a $100 Hoyts gift voucher!

Ray White Taylors Lakes is proud to present our annual Easter colouring competition.

Giving away TWO vouchers this Easter!

Juniors (10 & under) – $100 Hoyts gift voucher
Others (11+) – $100 Hoyts gift voucher

Download the image below and get colouring! Don’t forget to fill in your details with your parent/guardian and bring them into our office located at Shop 1, Shoppers Lane, Taylors Lakes.

Can’t make it to the office? Simply scan or take a clear photo of your artwork and email them through to

Entries close on the 17th of April at 4:30pm and the winner will be announced in office on the 23rd of April.

You can download the image using the following link: under 10’s colouring page &11 and over colouring page.

The friendly staff in our office are also happy to print off a colouring page upon request. You can collect these from our office located at Shop 1, Shoppers Lane, Taylors Lakes.
Digital colouring pages are also welcome!

VIC Residents Only
Prize must be collected from our Taylors Lakes office.