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The 4 most important things to remember when moving house

By Jennifer Clark

From booking the removalist early, to ensuring your internet connection is ready to go at your new place, careful planning and attention to the details are key.

Because while you might think moving can be organised in a matter of days – there are certain elements that certainly cannot be.

We’ve made a list of four of the most crucial tips you need to remember for a smooth move.

1. Plan and book early

Top-notch removalists get booked up quickly, especially during peak moving season. According to Muval’s 2023 Index, around 66% of all Australian moves take place between October and March – as buyers purchase new homes during spring selling season and rental leases start and end.

By scheduling your movers several weeks in advance, you ensure you get the best service available and avoid the last-minute scramble for a reputable company.

But it’s not just those who’ll be doing the heavy lifting that you need to sort out – the last thing you want is to be in your new home with no internet.

“We recommend starting the internet connection process around four weeks prior to your move,” nbn General Manager of Residential Products Courtney McMahon says.

“Firstly, check your address and make sure that your new home can connect to the nbn® network. Then contact your chosen phone and internet provider to arrange for your new service to be connected at the new address, including any equipment installation necessary,” she adds.

“Lastly, if you’re changing providers, get in touch with your current one to notify when you would like to disconnect the service at your current address.”

If you’re already connected to the nbn in your current house, be sure to leave your nbn connection box when you leave – they are registered to specific addresses and won’t work at your new place!

2. Anticipate delays and hiccups

Moving can be unpredictable, and even the best-laid plans can encounter unexpected bumps along the way.

If you’re moving into a home you have purchased, you will want to check if all electrical elements work during your pre-settlement inspection (unless it has already been disconnected by the previous owner).

You also might get to your new place and realise the previous owners took their nbn connection box with them.

“This can delay your ability to connect your internet service. This is why leaving the nbn connection box/equipment behind is so important,” McMahon says.

“If you’ve already arranged to connect, and the nbn connection box isn’t there, please let your phone and internet provider know. They’ll arrange to get one to you as soon as possible.”

3. Pack smart and label thoroughly

Proper packing can prevent damage to your belongings and make unpacking a breeze.

Clear labelling helps you and your movers know exactly where each box belongs in your new home.

Be sure to invest in sturdy boxes, bubble wrap, packing paper, and tape. Pack one room at a time and label each box with its destination room in your new home.

Most of all, create an essentials box. The first night in a new home can be hectic, and having your essentials ensures you don’t have to dig through piles of boxes.

Include items like toiletries, medications, a change of clothes, basic kitchen supplies, phone chargers, and important documents. A roll of toilet paper never goes astray, either.

Transport this box yourself, so it’s the first thing you can access upon arrival.

4. Stay organised and keep track of important items

Keeping on top of your plan is key to a smooth move.

List all items you’re moving, track your boxes and inventory, and keep items like passports, jewellery and financial documents with you, not in the moving truck.

Being across small – but important – details before the big day is critical, too.

For example, if you’re renting your new place, you’ll need the owner’s permission for certain things, such as having a pet, modifying the garden or getting nbn installed – only if the property has never had nbn, or in some instances, the line has been retired and is now eligible for a free fibre upgrade.

“If nbn has not previously been installed at the property, an nbn technician will be required to attend the home and complete the nbn connection,” McMahon says.

“Your provider will organise this appointment for you. Someone over 18 will need to be at home to allow the installation to go ahead,” she adds.

“If you rent your home, and nbn has not previously been installed, you’ll need to seek the permission of your owner – or potentially your property manager may be able to provide permission on the owner’s behalf.”

So, if you’re moving in the next little while, make sure to follow these steps – especially when it comes to getting that all important Wi-Fi connected – for a less stressful experience.

Written by nbn co ltd and published on

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